Big Day of Giving 2024

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

River City Food Bank
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Help me to support the important work of River City Food Bank!

8 donors

raised $438

10 donor goal


I am in awe of the work that this small but mighty group of folks accomplish every day in their work to alleviate hunger in our area. 

Working at the Co-op I was always able to see the line that formed at the Midtown distribution site, sometimes around the block, but in recent years I've grown more intimate with the staff and been able to hear first hand about the growing need in our community. Between their two emergency food distribution sites RCFB served over 300,000 individuals and distributed over 3 million pounds of food in 2023, which was a staggering 20% increase over 2022. Already 2024 is showing even more need in our community. 

I've been able to volunteer at both distribution sites now, so I've seen firsthand the folks who are served and I am so impressed with the operation, the volunteers and staff, and the model used. RCFB uses a food choice model where guests can select the food that best meets their needs and all are welcome, with no barriers - no proof of income and no id required to receive food. RCFB provides healthy and nutritious food (dried goods, fruits and vegetables, dairy & proteins, breads & whole grains, canned goods) to families and individuals, and for those who do not have ability to cook there are ready to eat options available as well. 

I've now joined the board of directors for the RCFB and I am just so thrilled to be even more directly involved with this amazing group. Please join me in supporting their work with a donation of any size for the Big Day of Giving and if you would like to continue to support their work by volunteering or attending events please let me know! 

Thank you family and friends for your support. 

This fundraiser supports

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River City Food Bank

Organized By Stacie Larkin

Giving Activity


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