Meghan’s Single Mom Strong Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Single Mom Strong
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Single Mom Strong's mission is to empower single mothers and their children


raised by 3 people

Community support has been crucial to Single Mom Strong's dramatic growth and powerful impact. I am proud and humbled by the belief of so many in our mission. And, I am again asking for your support. As you consider which organizations you will support this Big Day of Giving, I want to remind you why dollars invested in Single Mom Strong are so impactful. Here are just a few things I hope you will consider: 

 -26% of our region's children are being raised by a single mother, and yet their specific needs were largely overlooked before SMS began operating. 

-There are countless crisis intervention programs in our region, but what happens after the crisis, and how do we avoid the crisis altogether?  The relationships made within the SMS community are the bonds that single parents need, removing the loneliness of single parenting and allowing them to thrive rather than survive. 

-Quality early childhood education is typically out of reach for children in single-income households. Our EmpowerME Preschool & Childcare programs make quality preschool and childcare accessible to all, ensuring a solid foundation for every child's education. 

-Single mothers are often trapped in low-wage employment, which greatly impacts family health and well-being. Our Career Advancement programming opens doors for single mothers through career exploration events, pre-employment coaching and access to free professional clothing.  

These wrap-around services greatly improve the trajectories of our families and have a ripple effect on the economics of our region. And, they are just a few of the many ways Single Mom Strong is improving outcomes for single-parent families.  If you'd like to learn more about what we do, or how to get involved, please reach out. If you are able to contribute, please do so by making a donation HERE (link to your fundriaser) or, you can make an impact at no cost, but sharing THIS FUNDRAISER (link to your fundraiser) within your network or on your social media pages.  Thank you in advance for your consideration, and always, for your belief in our mission.

This fundraiser supports

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Single Mom Strong

Organized By Meghan Huber

Giving Activity


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