Michaella Crane's Big Day of Giving Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Health Education Council
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raised by 1 people

$300 goal

In 1951 the International Covenant on Human Rights stated that each state has a duty “to improve nutrition, housing, sanitation, recreation, economic and working conditions and other aspects of environmental hygiene”. Since then, multiple international and national organizations and agreements have proposed that health is a human right. But in the US, we have the highest out-of-pocket expenditure on health care and yet some of the poorest health compared to countries with similar standards of living.

At the Health Education Council, I have had the opportunity to connect folks to a multitude of different health resources. A lot of these folks are people who our country has historically barred from access and stirred up mistrust. I am so proud to be working towards a community where everyone has access to the tools and knowledge that provides them with their right to health. 

This fundraiser supports

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Health Education Council

Organized By Amanda Bloom

Giving Activity


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