Dale's SWC Fundraising Page

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Sacramento Women's Chorus
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SWC wants to increase our scholarships to local female high school students in the arts.


raised by 5 people

$200 goal

I have been blessed by singing with this group. The music, the support and love fills me. I hope you can find it in your heart to make a donation. No amount is too small.

 The Sacramento Women's Chorus is passionate about the music we sing and the message it brings as we endeavor to touch the lives of our audience and the community around us. 

We hope to raise funds that will further our vision of providing scholarships to support female identifying high school seniors interested in the arts so that we can invest in future generations to help them pursue their artistic passions.

Additional monies raised will directly support our organization by providing: compensation for our Music Professionals so we can achieve our mission of striving for musical excellence, and help offset the costs of purchasing our music so we can meet the needs of our growing membership and have the freedom to select any song that fits our mission.

If you make a gift with a Golden 1 Credit Union debit or credit card, the impact of your donation will be boosted by a $100,000 proportional match!

This fundraiser supports

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Sacramento Women's Chorus

Organized By Dale Wallerstein

Giving Activity


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