Let's Help Each Other Adapt and Thrive!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Cool Davis
Fundraiser image

Please join me in supporting Cool Davis. I will match your donation up to $1000!


raised by 8 people

$1,000 goal

Cool Davis is a community based organization dedicated to providing informative climate saving solutions to inspire you and your family to take actions to decrease your carbon footprint that also makes a positive impact to your community. 

We are in a Climate Emergency! As the President of Cool Davis's Board I am helping to update our strategic plan so we can expand, strengthen and diversify our support for our Community as we battle to change the trajectory of damage being done to our Planet. Only together can we help each other adapt and thrive in the face of this challenge! 

We need your support to help add more staff and resources so that we can create new educational programs, communicate climate change news and support other community group through zoom/public events. 

Thank you for any donation you can make!

Jason Bone

Cool Davis's Board President

Giving Activity


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