Lifting Our Community

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

YMCA of Superior California
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I am participating in a Lift-a-Thon to raise funds for the YMCA. Please help support the Y!

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raised $0

10 donor goal

Hi Friends!

This BDOG, I will be participating in a "Lift-a-Thon" to raise funds for the YMCA.  That's right! I am not a weight lifter -- but I will be giving it a go!!

The weights I lift might be tiny, but the impact the YMCA has on our community is BIG! I hope this effort inspires you to think of all the many ways the YMCA lifts our community -- and that inspires you to give!

Your support will help support all the vital programs available at the YMCA - and help ensure that the YMCA continues to be a place where everyone can find their path toward a healthier, more connected life.Throughout the day, YMCA staff and members will be counting our reps. We're aiming for a goal of 10,000 reps for the Y!!  We're lifting weights to shine a spotlight on all the YMCA does to lift our community

The YMCA needs your support to help ensure that services and programs are available to everyone -- regardless of their ability to pay. Your gift to the Y will help keep program costs affordable, and will provide scholarship assistance to those in need. Whether it is affordable day care for working families, or arthritis mobility classes for seniors on a fixed income -- or every age in between -- your gift will improve the lives of people here in our community. 

Thanks so much,

Nancy Smith-Fagan

Giving Activity


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