Jackson's Passion for performing w/MMP fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Musical Mayhem Productions
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Sometimes you can have the smallest role in the smallest production and still have a big impact


raised by 10 people

$500 goal

We would appreciate your support in raising money for 🎶Musical Mayhem Productions🎶. Jackson has performed with this amazing company since he was 6 years old and is currently working on his 19th show. Performing is his #1️⃣ passion and has grown in so many ways from participating in theater 🎭. If you have ever had the chance to see any of their performances you know what an emersive production they put on with these young performers. With your donations 🎶MMP🎶 will continue to keep costs affordable for performers families, pay their staff a livable wage, and make needed repairs to their studio.

This fundraiser supports

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Musical Mayhem Productions

Organized By Wayne Amaral

Giving Activity


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