Putah Creek Council fundraiser by Kate Laddish

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Putah Creek Council
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We believe thriving creeks grow thriving communities. Your donation will help PCC support the creek.


raised by 7 people

$500 goal

Please join me in supporting Putah Creek Council during the Sacramento region’s Big Day of Giving by making a donation to PCC on – or before – Thursday, May 2. I've been volunteering with Putah Creek Council for 20 years, and have served on the Board of Directors since 2020. I am deeply enthusiastic about PCC's mission to support regional ecosystems through advocacy, education, and community-based stewardship, and our vision of protecting and restoring natural resources in the Putah Creek bioregion for the benefit of the creek’s wildlife and the regional community.

Putah Creek Council conducts educational and stewardship programs that engage students and other community members in Yolo and Solano counties and beyond; the Creek Explorers events, CreekSpeak lecture series, OneCreek internship program, docent-led tours, nursery volunteer days, creek cleanups and planting events are all popular programs. We grow over 120 local native tree, shrub, forb, and grass species in our nursery, all sourced from within the Putah-Cache region. Our work, including collaborations with other local natural resource organizations, has resulted in the re-establishment of a native fishery in Putah Creek, including Chinook salmon and increasing numbers of other fish native to the Central Valley. PCC's efforts have also helped make Putah Creek a regional recreational destination, and use of many public stretches of the creek has soared in the last few years.

I feel a strong personal connection to Putah Creek – and not just because I play fiddle and guitar in the Putah Creek Crawdads! This is my local, neighborhood creek, and I visit it nearly every day. I take great joy in knowing where the good sunset, swimming and wading spots are, knowing where and when to look for beavers, otters, egrets and salmon, seeing seasonal changes, and getting to know other people who visit the creek. I appreciate the work Putah Creek Council and our partners do along the stream itself and elsewhere in the watershed, which stretches from the Coast Range to the Sacramento River.

Your donation to PCC will help us upgrade our shade house and resupply our nursery so we can grow more native plants (now available for purchase from the Redwood Barn Nursery as Putah Creek Natives), and purchase much-needed materials for our education and interpretation programs and work supplies for our stewardship events.

Since PCC's founding in 1988, the organization has benefited from community members’ engagement and generosity. I hope you'll join me in supporting Putah Creek Council with a donation on or before Thursday, May 2.

Thank you!

Kate Laddish
Member, Putah Creek Council Board of Directors

This fundraiser supports

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Putah Creek Council

Organized By Kate Laddish

Giving Activity


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