Water Education Foundation

A nonprofit organization

$9,277 raised by 44 donors

93% complete

$10,000 Goal

Our history dates back to 1977, when California was in the second year of a major drought and water was at the forefront of the news. The Foundation's articles of incorporation were filed on Feb. 27 of that year, creating a nonprofit, nonpolitical, tax-exempt educational organization. Today, the Sacramento-based Foundation remains a vital source of nonpartisan, in-depth information about water resource issues in California and the Southwest. To accomplish this mission, the Foundation provides a vast repertoire of educational materials and services such as our water tours, lectures, our flagship online publication Western Water news and Project WET (Water Education for Today). 

The featured campaign for the Big Day of giving 2025 is focused on our Water Leaders Alumni. We are encouraging our Water Leaders and alums to engage in a friendly competition with each other to see which cohort year can donate the largest amount of funds to be used for future Water Leader scholarships.  

Water Leaders Alumni Cohorts - Join past and current Water Leaders with a gift to the Water Education Foundation! Your support will empower future years of Water Leaders, provide scholarships for our educational programs, and grow our continuous outreach on water issues in California and the West. Learn more about our work and the impact your donation makes at our website. https://www.watereducation.org

Giving Activity


The mission of the Water Education Foundation, an impartial nonprofit, is to inspire understanding of water and catalyze critical conversations to build bridges and inform collaborative decision-making.


Project WET program: The Foundation is the only coordinator in California of an international, interdisciplinary water science education program for formal and non-formal educators of kindergarten through 12th grade students. We are seeking financial support to grow and expand this program to a greater number of schools and classrooms across California.

Water Tours: The Foundation typically offers six tours a year in various regions of California that provide participants a firsthand look at the water facilities, rivers and regions critical in the debate about the future of water resources. We seek financial support to offset the costs of the tours and to provide scholarships so more people can attend and become knowledgeable about the complex water issues in California and across the Western part of the US.

Publications: High quality, comprehensive publications are the hallmark of the Foundation's writing staff; most notably our flagship online news publication, Western Water. The Foundation also publishes an online water encyclopedia, Aquapedia, and online news aggregator, Aquafornia. Both are amazing resources for that are free to the public. All of our publications present the many sides and views of the water picture, with the goal of fostering an understanding of various positions and discussion toward resolution of these often-controversial issues. We seek financial support to increase our online presence so the public can access high quality information about our most critical natural resource.

Water Leadership Programs: The Foundation hosts two professional development programs designed for working professionals in early to mid-career to educate them about water issues and enhance leadership and collaborative skills. Our leadership programs are focused on water issues in California and across the Colorado River Basin. We seek financial support for scholarships to help offset participant costs.

The Water Education Foundation is a Sacramento-based nonprofit that operates its various programs and publications with the support of contributions, along with state and federal grants. We are asking for ongoing support of the various programs and publications that we produce so that students in K-12 up through working professionals can become more informed about water in California and the West.

Equity Statement

The Water Education Foundation’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion is reflected in our efforts to broaden who is included in our programs, publications and Board of Directors. Our organization reaches out to women and underrepresented groups to join our event panels, speak at our water tours or offer insights and comments for inclusion in our publications. This is intentionally done to ensure an array of diverse views are represented within all of our public outreach efforts. Additionally, we put several of our resources online for open access. Our Water Leadership programs for rising professionals typically includes a diverse mix of participants from all different backgrounds and career paths. Our Board of Directors includes people who represent a wide array water interests, from urban planners, and farmers, to indigenous tribal leaders and environmentalists. Water is a universally critical resource, and at the Water Education Foundation we envision a society that can resolve water challenges to benefit all. Our vision requires a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in every aspect of our work.

Organization Data


Organization name

Water Education Foundation

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category


Operating Budget

$1,000,001-$5 million

Organization Need

Funding: Unrestricted

Demographics Served

General population

Local Counties Served

El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Yolo

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


2151 River Plaza Drive, Suite 205
Sacramento, CA 95833

Service areas




Social Media