Sponsoring lessons for disadvantaged youth is another priority. Cost is $60 per child for 4 weekly 1/2-hour lesson plus practice time. We could do 100 youth per month for a cost of $6,000 for 11 months of the year for a total cost of $66,000.
Many of our rental skates require replacement, new skates are much stiffer which enable beginning skaters to learn to skate more easily. The total cost of our program request is $15,000. This amount will cover purchase and delivery of 200 pairs of skates.
We would like to purchase special sleds and hockey equipment for use by disabled youth who would like to play sled hockey. Cost is for each is $2,000. We would need at least 12 to field 2 teams for a total cost of $24,000.
We need $400K to purchase many furnishings. We need new bleachers, new rubber, and new bathrooms.
We need volunteers to help with grant writing, fundraising, and social media.
We need additional business focused board members. We are especially in need of board members with fund raising experience.