The HAWK Institute

Reviewed by the Sacramento Region Community Foundation

$6,377 raised by 23 donors

26% complete

$25,000 Goal

The HAWK Institute (Higher Attainment Through Wisdom and Knowledge) is an educational system for increasing the attainment of African American youth and young adults (14-26 years of age) by engaging them in culturally-focused experiences designed to facilitate their academic, personal, career, and economic success. We do this through our intensive Saturday Leadership Academy, our weekly high school-based Learning Communities and through our Career Advancement Academy.  The pandemic forced us to shift 60% of our business model to an online, project-based program called Bridge to the Future. This dynamic, interactive learning platform encompasses three learning modules: 1. Multi-Media Academy, 2. Financial Literacy, and 3. Entrepreneurship. We see Bridge to the Future as central educational resource to supplement but not to replace our traditional on-site programs.

The goals of these initiatives are to ensure that youth prosper academically, personally, and economically, and to build a cadre of future leaders who are competent, caring and culturally aware of their commitment to their community. The majority of the staff are volunteers and paid staff only receive stipends. We have garnered wide community support, have graduated many youth who would have not otherwise been able to do so with our assistance. We seek to expand our work and collaborate with those who seek to engage youth who want to become a vital contributor to the City and County of Sacramento.

Resources are needed to support these initiatives as a majority of the students we serve have fallen behind academically since the pandemic.

Giving Activity


The mission of the HAWK Institute is to ensure that young African American men and women master the knowledge, skills, and competencies to be successful in an increasingly global and multicultural world.


Multi-Media Academy is comprised of a filmmaking and digital arts component. The recent pandemic has compelled and inspired The HAWK Institute to find ways to deliver its programs and contents prepare youth for film and digital careers. The filmmaking academy will train youth to develop short films as well as prepare them to work in the film industry. The digital academy Is a digital media community that creates an access point for the exploration, cultivation, and implementation of digital skills to increase socioeconomic advancement. The Academy will allow students to curate their digital talents and create entrepreneurial opportunities for youth. We seek funding to provide the digital equipment and software tools to train students in coding, marketing and business development.

Internships - We have found that offering internships to students who complete our six-week programs provide a powerful incentive and for on-going engagement and student learning outcomes. For youth who complete our Bridge to the Future Academies, we seek to provide them with a $500 stipend that would thereby enable them to open up a savings/checking account. Participants would also be eligible for an internship with a local business whereby we could solicit businesses to match a $500 internship stipend for youth and young adults have experiences in their chosen career and/or entrepreneur pathway.

Mentors/Coaches - Youth and young adults need access to culturally competent and caring adults who can provide advise, support and encouragement as they traverse the perilous path to self-identity, career awareness, financial capability and social/emotional awareness. HAWK mentors/coaches can provide this essential service and support as youth participate in HAWK programs and beyond. We need 10 additional mentors to serve our current and project population.

As the cost to attend college keeps escalating, it is imperative that we provide our students with the financial resources. As incentive for participation in the HAWK Institute programs and services, and to facilitate their educational success, we seek to establish a scholarship college fund.

Equity Statement

The HAWK Institute is unapologetic committed to promoting the educational and economic welfare and success of African American youth/young adults and those traditionally underserved in the Sacramento Region. To that end, We must ensure that all our youth have equal access to knowledge and that they have the skills and competencies in an increasing global and multicultural world.

Organization Data


Organization name

The HAWK Institute

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Youth Development

Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Program, In-Kind Donations

Demographics Served

Low-income individuals/families, Black/African American

BIPOC Leadership

Both the Executive Director & Board Chair

Local Counties Served


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


4625 44th St.
Sacramento, CA 95820

Service areas

Oak Park, CA, US, 91377

Sacramento, CA, US

North Highlands, CA, US

Elk Grove, CA, US

