$70,000 - MEDICAL SPONSORSHIP: This is the area highest in costs. With rising veterinarian costs we never seem to have enough to cover everything! This program covers anything outside the normal rescue and foster care. This is typically advanced medical care such as orthopedic surgery, eye care/surgery, and other specialized surgeries or medical treatments based on the needs of the cat or kitten. There may also be special medical costs due to the effects of abuse and neglect. Our fosters manage the care and provide them with a safe and caring “home” to recuperate. We will have specific fundraisers via sponsorships throughout the year to raise funds for specific cats and kittens.
$45,000 - RESCUE & FOSTER: Purebreds Plus takes in between 300-450 cats and kittens a year. The cats and kittens are placed in volunteer foster homes that care, love and rehabilitate them as needed. Donations for this critical area covers all associated costs for food, supplies, general medical care, spay/neuter and behavioral support if needed. It should be noted in-kind donations are also appreciated, typically cat and kitten food, through our published Amazon Wish List.
$30,000 - HIDDEN SUPER STARS: Our newest program addresses cats that are just not as adoptable. This includes special needs, serious health conditions that will limit their lifespan, and seniors with ongoing conditions where they need to be kept healthy, comfortable and most of all loved. Donations fund the care and maintenance for these cats and kittens until we can find that very special adopter.
$10,000 - KITTEN SAMURIA: This is a special program for neonatal and underage kittens. Our experienced fosters take on these babies. It is a true labor of love. Donations cover special formula and other required supplies until they are eating solid food and ready for adoption.
$20,000 - FIP PROGRAM: Feline Infectious Peritonitis is not what any cat owner or rescue wants to hear. Until very recently this was a death sentence for the cat or kitten. We slowly started treating cats in 2020. We now have this phenomenal program in place. There is hope! Our supporter's compassion and generosity make this program a reality!