General Admin
-We need a part-time social media person to help us with our website and social media presence. $500x12 $6000
We need a part-time Grant Writer $750 x 12 $9000
We need a part-time Bookkeeper $500 x 12 $6000
- Every year, we honor a motivated small business owner with a cash award and consultation. This year, the total cost of this will be $1500 ($1000 cash and $500 consultation)
-We need help for our 5th Annual Small Business Success Summit
-Location: $1250
-Food: Up to $2500
-Speaker Fees: $150 x 20 speakers $3000
- Marketing/Advertising: $2500
-Four Quarterly business/community podcasts: $2400
-SquareBiz magazine (quarterly)
-Printing: $4500 x 4 $18,000
-Graphics and Design: $500 x 4 $2000
-Distribution Costs: $125 x 4 $500
- We will provide up to 10 $500 stipends to qualified college students. $5000
- 2nd Youth Empowerment Summit (with Escape Velocity)
-Location: $750
-Food: Up to $1200
-Speakers: $150 x 4 $600
-Stipends and Gift cards for youth - $2500
-Marketing and Promotions $1200
Arts and Culture
-ComicCom Comes to Florin Square
-Location: $1500
-Food Up to $750
-Marketing and Promotions $2500
Community Enrichment
-Community Resource Interchange (townhall type meeting between community members and local organizations, businesses, and government entities.
-Location: $300
-Food: $75
-Job, Information, and Resource Fair
-Location: $750
-Food (for HR and related professionals): $400
-Speakers $150 x 4 $600
- Assistance stipends for 20 jobseekers $200 x 12 $2400
-Marketing and Promotions $2500
-Survive and Thrive Cancer Awareness
-Location: $750
-Food $600
-Speakers: 150 x 4 $600
-Event book $2000
-Marketing and Promotions: $2500
-Biannual Health Days (one day event to bring health resources and awareness to the community
-Location: $500 x 2 $1000
-Food (for medical personnel) $500
-Marketing and Promotions: $1500
-Motivation Lunch for high school medical students
-Location: $500
-Food: $700
-Stipends $50 x 50 students $2500