Florin Square Incorporated

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$100,000 Goal

Florin Square Incorporated aka Florin Square Community Development Corporation (FSCDC), a 501c3 nonprofit, was formed in 2020 to provide community service work throughout Sacramento and Northern California. We work collaboratively with our tenants and the members of the community to assist and support the people of Sacramento and beyond.

1.    Business and Economic Development - Continuation of our Economic programs including The Florin Square Food Court, The Culinary Learning Center; The Florin Square Service Lobby, Small Business Incubation program; and the Event Planning program designed to provide an ongoing stream of Business and Economic speakers and professionals to the community. Our goal is to establish an ongoing micro-loan program designed to assist our tenants, and ultimately other small business entities, with their financial needs.

2.   Education - Continuation of the Educational based program partnered with the tenants of Donaldson Properties who provide After-School tutoring, Life Skills training, Job Preparation, and Cultural Awareness lessons to youth ages 7-24. Through this program, we will provide small college grants to community deserving youth and provide assistance (financial, materials and supplies, staffing, etc.) to Educational based tenants and programs.

3.  Arts and Culture - Continuation of the Florin Square Cultural Awareness project. This project, partnered with the Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum, will continue to bring ethnic and cultural art and artifacts to the Sacramento and Northern CA community. FSCDC will be commissioned to assist in the improvement and expansion of the museum and to expand the building murals.

4.  Community Development - FSCDC will bring information, resources, and workshops pertaining to Family, Domestic, and personal issues including hunger, poverty, and homelessness. Other workshops will include topics regarding Immigration, Legal Matters, Taxes and Finance, Home Ownership, and Insurance.

5.  Health and Wellness - Overseeing of the Health and Wellness Project. This project is designed to provide physical and mental health and wellness assistance (both traditional and holistic), therapy, and care as well as information, resources, and workshops to the Sacramento and Northern CA communities.  It is our plan to be in partnership with local medical practitioners and the Kaiser Permanente Mobile Health program.

Giving Activity


Mission Statement: The Florin Square Community Development Corporation (FSCDC) is dedicated to providing assistance, information, and resources to our community that improves quality of life in the areas of Business and Economic Development, Education, Arts and Culture, Community Development, and Health and Wellness (BEACH) while using a model of dignity, integrity, and unity.


General Admin

-We need a part-time social media person to help us with our website and social media presence. $500x12 $6000

We need a part-time Grant Writer $750 x 12 $9000

We need a part-time Bookkeeper $500 x 12 $6000


- Every year, we honor a motivated small business owner with a cash award and consultation. This year, the total cost of this will be $1500 ($1000 cash and $500 consultation)

-We need help for our 5th Annual Small Business Success Summit

-Location: $1250

-Food: Up to $2500

-Speaker Fees: $150 x 20 speakers $3000

- Marketing/Advertising: $2500

-Four Quarterly business/community podcasts: $2400

-SquareBiz magazine (quarterly)

-Printing: $4500 x 4 $18,000

-Graphics and Design: $500 x 4 $2000

-Distribution Costs: $125 x 4 $500


- We will provide up to 10 $500 stipends to qualified college students. $5000

- 2nd Youth Empowerment Summit (with Escape Velocity)

-Location: $750

-Food: Up to $1200

-Speakers: $150 x 4 $600

-Stipends and Gift cards for youth - $2500

-Marketing and Promotions $1200

Arts and Culture

-ComicCom Comes to Florin Square

-Location: $1500

-Food Up to $750

-Marketing and Promotions $2500

Community Enrichment

-Community Resource Interchange (townhall type meeting between community members and local organizations, businesses, and government entities.

-Location: $300

-Food: $75

-Job, Information, and Resource Fair

-Location: $750

-Food (for HR and related professionals): $400

-Speakers $150 x 4 $600

- Assistance stipends for 20 jobseekers $200 x 12 $2400

-Marketing and Promotions $2500


-Survive and Thrive Cancer Awareness

-Location: $750

-Food $600

-Speakers: 150 x 4 $600

-Event book $2000

-Marketing and Promotions: $2500

-Biannual Health Days (one day event to bring health resources and awareness to the community

-Location: $500 x 2 $1000

-Food (for medical personnel) $500

-Marketing and Promotions: $1500

-Motivation Lunch for high school medical students

-Location: $500

-Food: $700

-Stipends $50 x 50 students $2500

Organization Data


Organization name

Florin Square Incorporated

other names

Florin Square Community Development Corporation (FSCDC)

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Community Improvement, Capacity Building

Operating Budget

$50,001 - $100,000

Organization Need

Funding: Program, Funding: Unrestricted, Volunteers

Demographics Served

Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx, Native Americans/Indigenous Groups

BIPOC Leadership

Executive Director/CEO

Local Counties Served



2251 FLORIN RD STE 120

Service areas

Sacramento, CA, US



Social Media