California Wolf Foundation

Reviewed by the Sacramento Region Community Foundation

25% complete

$5,000 Goal

The California Wolf Foundation is an organization formed in response to the recent recolonization of California by gray wolves.  Our organization works to reduce conflict between wolves and people by promoting the use of non-lethal deterrents and predator awareness herd management techniques to avoid livestock losses, to compensate livestock producers when there are losses, and to educate the public about wolf conservation and the challenges livestock producers face as they share working lands with wolves. 


Our mission is to promote conservation of gray wolves and other native species by reducing conflict with agricultural producers, to promote preservation or restoration of habitats in California, and to support research and education.

Organization Data


Organization name

California Wolf Foundation

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Animal Related

Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Unrestricted, Funding: Program

Local Counties Served

Placer, El Dorado, Sacramento, Yolo


3031 Stanford Ranch Rd 2-337
Rocklin, CA 95765

Service areas