The Heatherlys love the Woodland Opera House!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Woodland Opera House Inc
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Help us keep Woodland Opera House Thriving!


raised by 4 people

$500 goal

If you know the Heatherlys, you know that we’re a theatre family who love both participating in and seeing theatre. The Woodland Opera House gives that opportunity to so many in our community. Please join is in supporting WOH on this Big Day of Giving! 

Jeff and I met doing theatre and most of our courtship and marriage has been filled with many precious theatre memories. Not only has Jeff acted on Woodland’s stage but the Woodland Opera House family has welcomed Ally into their community with open arms and we invite you to not only donate today but to come experience the joy that is a Woodland Opera House production. The volunteers and community members that come together to bring these stories to life are truly unique and worth celebrating. 

Giving Activity


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